The Difference Between a Custom Logo and a Stock Logo

Custom Logo Vs Stock Logo

It’s hardly news that having a brand logo can massively improve your company’s authenticity and business presence. However, many companies think of their logo as an afterthought, instead concentrating on other areas they consider more important.

Here at Gee Productions, we understand how important it is to have the right logo for your business. So we’ve put this article together to explain the difference between a custom logo and a stock logo, and the difference this can make to your business presence.

What do we mean by stock logo?

Stock logo might not be a term you’ve heard before, but most people have probably heard of a stock photograph. Realistically they’re the same concept: an image that’s owned but can be used in the public domain. Stock logos can also include clip art and templates; all of these fall under the umbrella term of stock images. Getty Images is probably the most famous stock image company, but there are thousands out there.

What’s the difference between a custom logo and a stock logo?

As you can probably tell from the definition above, the difference between the two types of logos is essentially down to the ownership. Stock logos can be purchased from a public website for a fee, but this also means that any other business in the world can also purchase the image. As a result, you might end up with the same brand logo as many other companies.

Custom logos, on the other hand, are unique (hence why they’re called custom logos). They are designed specifically for your business by a graphic designer, meaning the logo can be whatever you want, and will be different from your competitors. This obviously helps you stand out from the crowd, particularly in saturated markets.

Similarly, stock images are generally cheaper than custom logos, but this comes at a price. While the idea of saving money might seem appealing when you’re in the early stages of setting up your business, having a stock logo that’s potentially the same as many other businesses could have an impact on your credibility later down the line when you’re trying to set yourself apart from your competitors.

Custom logos will generally be more expensive, but this is because you’re paying a designer for their time and design skills. However, if brand image is important to your company, then it can definitely be worth investing the extra money at this early stage.

Another key thing to remember is that using stock logos means signing the content owner’s license agreement. This means there’ll be restrictions on how you can use the content, and whether it can be used commercially at all.

A custom logo, however, means you own the content. You pay the graphic designer a fee, and then it’s yours to use however and wherever you want. While the upfront costs might be a little higher, the long-term benefits to a business are obvious.

Choosing a custom logo for your business

Custom logo design is definitely best practice for any business looking to set themselves apart from the competition. It gives you a unique angle and identity, which is what any business needs to establish a place for themselves in the market.

If you’re in the process of building your brand image and would like a custom logo designed, then contact Gee Productions. We pride ourselves on being leading graphic and web designers, and know exactly what a custom logo means to a business. We work with you to get the right logo for your brand, so contact us to find out more.

Do I Really Need A Logo For My Business?

Does My Business Need A Logo?

If you had to think of some of your favorite (or the most recognizable) brands, what stands out about them? It’s likely that one of the first things you remember about any brand is their logo, along with any strong color choices on packaging. This in itself is reason enough why your business really needs a logo.

You might think this kind of logic doesn’t apply to small businesses or startups, but brand identity is just as important (or even more so) for them than it is for larger companies. Here at Gee Productions, we understand the value of a strong brand identity, so we’ve put together our top 5 reasons for why your business really does need a logo.

1. A snappy logo grabs attention

Most businesses nowadays have to compete in a fairly saturated market. Regardless of your industry, there are most likely many other businesses trying to occupy the same space as you, whether it’s locally, nationally, or internationally. So you need to do everything possible to grab the attention of your potential customers and bring them to your business. A logo is the perfect way to do this.

A business logo is going to be one of the first things people see from your company. You can often fit a logo where there’s no room for text, so there’s every chance people will see your logo before they learn your business name. Your company logo should therefore grab attention straight away and give people a reason to be interested in your brand and what you have to offer.

Similarly, your logo is often the thing on which most customers will form their opinion about your business. As mentioned, if it’s the first thing they’ll see, then it needs to get their attention and create a good impression about you. It should offer some indication of what you do, but still leave things open enough so that they have to visit your website to get more information.

2. A good logo really is the foundation for your brand

This is a very similar point to the one above, but definitely needs mentioning on its own because it’s so important. Companies like Apple and Windows have very simple but effective logos that are foundational to their brand’s identity. What’s more, they’re instantly recognizable to the point where even people who don’t use their products know what they are. While this is more than a small business would expect from their logo, it’s still a good thing to aim for.

Your business logo should be one of the first things you consider when building your brand identity. After all, it’s going to be put on any products you sell, any marketing campaigns, your website and social media, and any other place you can think of. Therefore it needs to be something relevant, interesting, and on brand.

3. Sets you apart from the competition

Branding works on many levels, but one of the most important is setting you apart from the competition. For example, if you’re opening a coffee shop, it might be tempting to include a coffee bean in your branding as it’s on topic. However, consider how many other coffee shops had this exact same idea. Now consider a company like Starbucks, which decided to use a mermaid as its logo. It definitely stood out from the competition.

However, don’t go too far away and come up with something completely random. An effective logo should be on topic, but with a twist that differentiates it from the potentially hundreds of other brand logos in a similar area.

4. Logos make a big difference to brand loyalty

It’s amazing how attached customers can get to a brand’s logo. After all, it’s one of the defining features of their brand identity, and is often the thing customers latch on to most (aside from the quality of the product, of course). An effective logo should not only create interest in the brand, but should also give customers a reason to stick with it.

As a side note, simple, bright, and easily recognizable logos are the best for creating brand loyalty. A logo that tells a story but is also a bit playful will help to get people on board with your idea, but will also create that desirable air of professionalism that’ll keep the customer with your brand in the future. While this might sound like it’s overstating things, much of this goes on in your subconscious without you even realizing it.

5. Customers definitely expect you to have a logo

Very few businesses can survive without a logo, even small ones. Think of as many companies as you can without a logo. While you might be able to name one or two, there aren’t many out there. Even small, local businesses without a heavy marketing presence have a logo because they understand the importance of building a solid brand identity.

On top of that, it’s fair to assume that most customers expect you to have a logo, along with other branding. While a lack of logo might not put all customers off using your business, it’ll probably cause most to wonder how long you’ve been in business, and how professional you can really be if you haven’t finished your branding yet. After all, why would an established company not have appropriate branding to their name?

Having a logo is much like having a social media presence: it’s become an expected part of modern brand identity. Making a name for yourself in business requires a certain minimum standard to which you have to conform, and having a logo definitely falls into this minimum standard.


As marketing and web designers, we understand the value a well-designed logo can add to a business’s identity. Along with generating interest and creating a good first impression, a logo should also foster loyalty to the brand and solidify its image in the customer’s mind. So remember not to overlook the importance of a logo for your brand’s identity.

Why Your Business Needs a Website

Why Your Business Needs A Website

Many small business owners might be thinking to themselves whether they actually need a website. After all, social media can often cover all the information you need to display online, so why bother investing the time?

Regardless of business size, a website is an incredibly beneficial asset to have. We at Gee Productions appreciate that not everyone might be able to see the immediate benefit to expanding their online presence, so we’ve written this article to give you all the information you need on why your business needs a website.

1. Your competitors probably have one already

It’s fair to assume that your competitors (whether local or international) are already online. Having a website can be as simple as showing your potential clients that you exist, which can help create leads to your business. While you might not even sell anything online, having a business website at least creates a presence for you in the market.

2. It’s much easier to find you

If a potential customer is looking for web designers near them, or a local store in a new area, social media might not be their first port of call. Many people will jump straight to a search engine, so having a website means you can pop up on their search. Being able to find you with a simple Google search is much more appealing than trawling through Facebook business pages, so it makes sense to set up a website even if it’s just for the Google hits.

3. Websites are an investment

Even if you don’t plan on selling things online, having a business website is an investment that’s worth making. While you can get fairly inexpensive web design packages, it’s worth throwing a bit more money at it for better returns in the future. A more expensive design package often comes with the designer’s superior knowledge and some level of upkeep, meaning you don’t have to worry about it. Similarly, making money from your website can be as simple as selling ad space on it.

4. Customers appreciate reviews

In the days before the internet, word of mouth was often the best a business could expect for building interest. Nowadays though, potential customers are always on the lookout for reviews. This is where a website comes in handy: it gives you a place to collect all of those amazing customer reviews you’ve had, and lays them out in a way that’s appealing to new customers. Even if a customer does rave about you to their friends, at least having a website means that these people can Google you and see for themselves.

5. Websites are always accessible

One of the biggest limitations in a physical store is opening times. A website, on the other hand, is never shut. This means that customers can shop when and where they want and access important information about your business at unsociable hours. You might even find that this takes a surprising weight off your daily activities in your store.

6. Adds to your brand image

Brand image is so very important to a successful business. Websites add to your brand image because they are a unique space in which you can show who you are and what your business does. A well designed website can do wonders for customers’ trust in a brand, and can be very effective at swaying potential customers into using your service.

7. Allows you to show your knowledge

Similarly to point 6, a website also allows you to demonstrate your industry knowledge. Whether this is a blog of useful tips, a portfolio of your work, or simply a place to state your professional qualifications, a website is the perfect place to do this. Showing potential customers your relevant experience and knowledge can be the deciding factor in converting them into paying clients.

8. Offers customer support

Business websites are the perfect place to offer customer support options, and this saves you having to do it over the phone or social media. Along with simply stating what your business does, websites give you the chance to write out FAQs and other support options, because the chances are that if one person has a question about your business, then others are thinking it too.

9. Websites look professional

Customers expect businesses to have a website in this day and age. Even if it just provides location and opening hours, customers expect it. As a result, having a business website makes your brand look more professional and with the times. You might even find that not having a website is enough to turn away potential clients – particularly younger ones – as not having a website can be seen as old fashioned.

10. Every business is selling something

While you might not sell physical products, every business sells something. It could be a service, knowledge, or connections, but all companies have something to offer their client base in exchange for money. A website helps to facilitate this because, as we’ve established, it gives you a place to collect your business information along with a platform for contact.

11. Websites help with marketing

Even small businesses need a marketing strategy. This should include social media presence and possibly ad sales, but should definitely include a website. If nothing else, a website gives clients somewhere to visit if they click on one of your ads.

12. Reach a larger audience

While reaching a large audience might not be helpful for all businesses, it’s definitely useful for some. It’s hardly a surprise that having a website increases your business’s reach, particularly on an international level. So if you’re looking to expand your company, then a good website is a no-brainer.


Having a well designed website for your business makes a massive difference to customer trust and can have a big impact on conversion rates. If you’re looking for professional web design and maintenance for your business, contact Gee Productions. We know exactly what it takes to build an effective online image for your brand.

How to Choose a Name for Your Business

How to Choose a Name for Your Busines

Choosing the right name for your business is arguably one of the most important steps. After all, it forms an integral part of your brand image and can have a big impact on whether your business makes it or not. On top of this it also needs to be catchy and memorable. Choosing the right business name is no easy feat!

This article looks at some top tips on how to choose a good name for your business. While there’s no right or wrong name for a business, it’s helpful to try a few out to see which is the most fitting for your image.

Important things to remember

Before jumping into the tips, it’s worth remembering a few important legal points first. Along with having a firm idea of what your business will offer, it helps to know whether you’re setting up as a company or a sole trader/partnership. More than anything this can affect whether you need to register your business name or not.

Similarly, it’s helpful to know whether your chosen name is currently registered to a business. While it’s technically true that only trademarked business names can’t be used multiple times, there are obvious disadvantages to using the same business name as someone else, particularly if you’re operating in the same industry or on the same local/national field.

How to choose a name for your business

Other than being memorable, a business name should ideally give customers a clue as to what your business offers. While this isn’t always the case, it definitely makes a difference in most industries. So, along with being memorable, here are some top tips for choosing a good business name:

1. Spend plenty of time planning

Planning can’t be underestimated when it comes to a business name, as it’ll be with you for quite a while. Start by thinking of words related to the industry you’re working in; these could be descriptors of your product, related concepts to your service, or emotive words that you expect customers to feel when they use your business. These might not make it into the final name, but are a good place to start.

Similarly, crack out a dictionary and thesaurus for added help. It’s also worth looking up translations of your favorite words, whether this is in ancient Greek and Latin, or in modern foreign languages. The planning process takes a long time, but you’ll know when you’ve found the right name.

2. Keep it short and fairly simple

Avoid long and over-complicated business names. Alternative spellings can be fun, but try to avoid if it’ll prevent customers from finding you (remember, this will likely also become your web address). Your name needs to be something that people can spell with relative ease if they haven’t seen it written down before.

3. Don’t copy

It almost goes without saying, but don’t copy your competitors. This also covers choosing similar names (such as Pear for a computer company). In some situations this might be funny, but it also shows you’re not very original and are trying to build an image of the back of another’s brand identity. Similarly, it can create confusion that leads to lost business.

4. Be conscious of geographic locations

Including your geographic location in your business name might seem like a good idea, but should be approached with caution. If you only plan to work in your city or state, then it should be fine, but could become an issue if you expand onto a national (or international) level. Not everyone has business dreams of this height, but consider your eventual business trajectory when thinking of including your location.

5. Avoid anything too obscure

This is a bit of an ambiguous point, and follows up from point 2. While you want your business name to be memorable, try to avoid words that are obscure in some way. This could include archaic spelling or words that will be difficult to pronounce if read. Some companies have thrived off their obscure names, but this requires a bigger marketing budget than most start-ups can justify.

6. Can it be trademarked?

As stated earlier, any business name not trademarked can be used by anyone else. If you’ve come up with a good name and want to build a solid brand image, consider trademarking it. This is generally only applicable to companies working in commerce, and while it might not be applicable in the very early stages of your business, it’s worth thinking of a unique name that can be trademarked at a later point.

7. Get yourself a domain

On the back of this, make sure you can buy a related web domain. Internet presence is invaluable, and so a related, easy to remember domain name can make a massive difference. After narrowing down your list of business names, check them online to see if they’re free. This should be a big deciding factor in choosing the best one, as you don’t want to pick a memorable business name and then be stuck with a completely unrelated web domain.

8. Make sure your name considers future growth

Similarly to including places in a business name, make sure your name will still work if/when you expand your business. For example, if you’re going to bake cakes but might want to expand into other areas of catering, consider this. Broader names can make it easier to scale your business in the future.

9. Don’t be too plain

While it might seem helpful to include your business area in your name (XY Designers, for example), this can often be very limiting in terms of image. Sure, it would state exactly what you do, but it’s not exactly the most memorable thing in the world.

Some final points

Choosing the best name for your business isn’t an easy task, but it can be pretty enjoyable. After all, you’re attempting to distill your brand image into a couple of words that create impact. Getting feedback from friends, family, and customers is always helpful too, but always make sure you have the final say!